Distant Healing

Distant Healing

Location is no limitation to receiving healing energy.

 Healing can be sent to anywhere in the world at any time in any time zone. Treatments can be sent to people, places, situations, animals, plants etc.

Reiki, Seichem, Rahanni & all Energy Healing can be sent to ailments or challenges that are affecting you right now or it can be sent to issues or incidents that happened in the past e.g. childhood  traumas, emotional upsets, old injuries, family disputes etc. While these issues may have happened years ago they could be having a dramatic impact on the quality of your everyday life. Reiki can also be sent to future events e.g. Exams, Job interviews, Family gatherings, Medical procedures etc.

This healing energy always works in divine order and for the highest good it can assist you on your life path at anytime you choose to connect with it. You think of something that needs healing or a helping hand and I will send to it. Distant treatments can be just as effective as hands on sessions.

What is a Distant Session?

Distant healing is sent by connecting with you directly on a one to one basis. I will sit down and send Reiki or other Energy Therapy straight to you, the healing will go directly to where it is needed the most, working at all levels, mind, body and spirit and also to your past, present or future. This is a deeply relaxing and powerful method of treatment. A session will last 30 minutes which is similar to receiving an hour of treatment in person. Some people may feel warmth, coolness or a slight tingling energy but you will still be receiving healing if you do not feel it at the time of sending.

You can state the time you would like to receive the healing and you can enhance the experience if you sit quietly and meditate or listen to relaxing music where you will not be disturbed for the half hour of the session and intend to consciously receive the healing. Following the session please drink a glass of water.

Sample a Distant Healing for yourself

For someone not familiar with energy healing this may seem very hard to imagine so the only thing that I can suggest is that you sample a distant treatment for yourself and then you will be more comfortable requesting Distant Healing for your loved ones, pets and other animals

By sending a request for Distant Healing you are giving your consent to be treated by natural therapy. Reiki is not intended to be a substitute for medical or veterinary care and you should always consult your doctor or vet.

Distant Healing Request

To receive a Distant Healing Contact Susan with your name, mobile number, location and brief description of the issue or condition that you are requesting healing for. All information is treated with discretion and confidentiality

A half hour “Distant Healing” costs €35 and is similar to an hour of Hands on Healing in person.

Also a Full Hour of Distant Healing can be booked for €60 and organised for a time that suits you to receive it.

These Distant Healings can be sent to anyone or any animal anywhere in the world

After you have received your Distant Healing  you are invited to send me a testimonial to share on my website if you wish to, many thanks Susan

To book a Distant Healing Session or leave a testimonial contact me below:
