Reiki Energy Healing

What Is Reiki?

 Holistic Healing with Reiki is when the practitioner channels Lifeforce Healing Energy from a higher source through them and into the client. This energy works at all levels: Body, Mind and Spirit healing issues in the Past, Present and Future. It enhances the body’s own natural ability to heal itself on all levels restoring balance and harmony, providing deep healing relaxation and a sense of peace and well-being.


  Description of Reiki Session

  • Reiki is a natural and gentle healing therapy.
  • The practitioner’s hands are placed gently on the client or above the body for comfort.
  • The client remains fully clothed throughout the session.
  • Universal Life Force Energy is chanelled from a higher source, flowing through the practitioner into the client.
  • Life Force Energy flows in all living things; plants, animals and people.
  • It is the essence of life.
  • Reiki works on all levels; Mind, Body and Spirit.
  • It is guided by a higher force to the place of greatest need.
  • It energises calms or relaxes the client.
  • Reiki compliments and enhances medical and other therapies.
  • It restores natural balance and encourages the body to heal itself.
  • It is not dependent on a belief system and works whether the client believes in it or not.
  • Reiki is an extremely pleasant treatment promoting relaxation and inner peace, bringing your body Mind & soul back into balance

Why do people have treatments?

For pain relief

Reduce stress

Create a more positive outlook on life

Aid better sleep

Help boost the immune system

Increase energy levels

Build self-confidence

Fertility issues

Arthritis, back pain, migraine

Encourage deep relaxation

Help overcome anxiety/panic attacks, asthma

Assist in dealing with depression or addiction

Accelerate healing after surgery and chemotherapy

As a method of preventative care

Receive comfort in times of bereavement and grieving

The two ways to experience Reiki energy are to have a Reiki treatment from a Reiki practitioner or to learn how to use it for yourself. You can learn Reiki 1 in a 2 day weekend course.

What to expect during a Reiki Treatment

I will complete a client consultation form and explain how Reiki works. Reiki is non intrusive. The client remains fully clothed during the treatment. I follow a sequence of movements over the body, depending on where the energy is needed the most. Generally clients feel a deep sense of relaxation, heat, tingling, coolness and energy flowing during a Reiki Treatment. Usually a Reiki treatment lasts an hour. Someone who has a chronic condition is usually advised to have a weekly Reiki treatment for four to six weeks for the energy to build up in the system. I usually explain to clients that it’s like going on a course of antibiotics. It’s usually after the second or third day that you start to feel better, but you need to complete the course in order to give your body a chance to recover. No two cases are the same, as Reiki works at whatever level is right for the client without overwhelming them.

To book a session contact Susan 0872917237
