
Distant Healing for Animals & People

I had the privilege of receiving treatments from Susan Kidd, a naturally connected Reiki Master, over the past few years. Her healing abilities have consistently impressed me, leading to very positive outcomes for both myself and my loved ones.

Susan’s distant healing sessions have been particularly remarkable. Whether it was for my parents or my animals, the healing effects were profound and evident. Her intuitive connection and powerful energy transcend physical boundaries, providing comfort and relief to those in need, no matter the distance.

I have great faith in Susan’s distant healing abilities and highly recommend her services to anyone seeking healing for themselves, a loved one, or an animal. Her dedication and natural gift for Reiki make her an exceptional healer.

Following days after Session:

Dearest Susan, words fail to express my gratitude for the healing you did for me. I feel such a sense of peace, ease and a renewed optimism. Its such a beautiful feeling. I’m so grateful! I had some pain in my left ankle last night & I did as you said. Today the intense pain I had in my back and leg yesterday & in my psosas is gone. I feel like I am walking more freely. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Sending you so much love & gratitude!


Here’s what Orla T. had to say about Shining Light Healing:

   Reviewed 01 May 2024

I completely recommend her
“I met Susan at a fair and was very impressed with her. I told her about my pet and the animal is so much better. I believe she has the midas touch with animals. The animal is back to himself after distant healing. I completely recommend her. Susan told me information about my animal only I was aware of. I truly believe she has a gift. Thank you so much for all your valued hard work..”

Treatment Received: Holistic Health Consultation

Reiki for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 

I would like to recommend that you try Reiki holistic healing with Susan as I have gained so much from it myself.

 I broke my arm 12 months ago and I developed a condition called “Complex Regional Pain Syndrome”. I was attending 2 consultants and a physiotherapist but had reached a point where there was little or no improvement. I was taking a large amount of painkillers and had a frozen shoulder, no use of my right arm, poor circulation in my hand and could only sleep in an upright position.

A friend suggested that I try Reiki and Susan was the therapist who was recommended to me. The Reiki session was a lovely gentle totally relaxing experience. I felt warm tingling energy flowing throughout my body and the pain relief after the first session was nothing short of miraculous, I was able to greatly reduce the amount of painkillers that I had to take. After the second session I automatically started to try to use my hand again. I hadn’t used this hand in a whole year, the circulation greatly improved in it and my friends all commented on how much the Reiki was helping me.

Reiki gave me hope again and I began to believe that I could be what I used to be. After another session which coincided with the anniversary of the accident I experienced a big emotional release, it was like mourning the loss of a loved one or the life I used to have before the accident. Afterwards I felt cleansed and back to my old self, all the trauma of the accident was gone. My Physiotherapist was very impressed with the improvement in just 4 weeks, I am now receiving less frequent sessions and the progress is continuing.

I would highly, highly recommend Reiki as a healing and wonderfully relaxing treatment and Susan as a therapist that you should attend. Receiving Reiki has been a wonderful experience. It was the best decision of my life.              Brid

Reiki for Fibromyalgia and Lupus

After being diagnosed with both fibromyalgia and lupus I suffered a great deal with a multitude of symptoms including headaches, joint pains,

lack of energy etc The list is endless.

I received a number of Holistic Healing sessions from Susan. The improvement was immediate, less aches and pains, improved energy levels and an overall sense of well being. I hadn’t felt this good in the last year. As a follow on I have also received distant healing from Susan which amazingly was equally as beneficial. I would definitely recommend Reiki with Susan.                       Mary P.

Life Coaching for Stress Reduction

Doing the life coaching course with Susan literally changed my life. Bold statement some might say but for me it did.

Stress wasn’t something that happened every now and then, or in hard times in my life, it was my way of life. I have suffered from chronic stress for as long as I can remember.  I was stressed every day, I let everything get to me, I had tightness in my chest, stress knots in my neck muscles, these are but a few of the issues I was faced with. I couldn’t seem to get a grasp of it. It had started to affect my relationship and how I parented my young son. I would get stressed over not being able to control it.

I started the course with Susan and within 2 sessions I noticed a significant change, but more importantly so did my husband and son, in fact a lot of my friends would ask why I was so chirpy. The course lasted six weeks but a year and half later I’m still putting what Susan taught me into practice, I found it amazing and would recommend it and have nothing but massive praise for the course and Susan. I doubted it at first, but was willing to try anything for a better way of life and that is exactly what it offered me. So a huge thanks to Susan for the help, to help me change myself.

Many, many thanks
Sabrina Fox

                                                Thank you

Hi Susan I just wanted to thank you so much for all the Reiki treatments I received. After a sad bereavement I went through I really feel the treatments made me so much stronger and built up my energy levels to cope with all the happened. My headaches and psoriasis improved a lot also during the treatments which I have been trying to treat for years. You made me feel very comfortable as it was a very new experience for me and I really looked forward to it each week.

I’d also like to thank you for the distant healing on my dog after he had a seizure. He wouldn’t come near me after it due to shock and suddenly after you texted to say you finished the healing, up he got and came over a cuddle!!! Was amazing!

I can’t thank you enough for everything-the treatment, the advice and all your help.


Goat testimonial

I had the great pleasure of having Susan use Reiki healing on my sick goat. After a few short sessions the goat made a full recovery and twelve months later she hasn’t looked back. This was very powerful healing delivered in a few short and very gentle treatments which the goat thoroughly enjoyed.

I would recommend you to use Reiki healing for any of your sick animals as it was a great success for me and my goat.

Reiki testimonial

I have received Reiki treatments from Susan on many occasions. I felt so relaxed and content after each treatment. It is amazing how Reiki works in such a very subtle and gentle, caring way. I would wholeheartedly recommend that you try Reiki for yourself and Susan is a very gifted healer putting me instantly at ease.


Stress Management testimonial

I found Susan’s Stress Management course very informative and useful in these challenging times. I opted for her One to One sessions which were great for working through my own personal challenges. I found them very beneficial and I still refer to her excellent notes for practical tips in Stress Reduction and Relaxation exercises.


                                            Try a Reiki session for yourself

Having a Reiki session is a way of connecting with and receiving an all powerful, unconditional loving healing energy which reawakens the body’s natural healing ability. Everything is done on a purely energetic level. Receiving Reiki is an extremely relaxing experience reducing stress and leaving you calm yet energized.  It can assist you through the challenging times and ease you back on your path of peace and harmony at anytime you choose to connect with it. Try a Reiki session and discover what it can do for you.

If you have received Healing, Life Coaching or have attended any of my courses and would like to give me your testimonial to share on this website please submit it on the form below. Many Thanks Susan
