Lifeskills Coaching


“Every day brings a new beginning, a fresh start. The chance to transform any challenges we encounter into gifts and opportunities”.

As a Life Skills Consultant I specialise in personal life coaching courses. These courses embrace the uniqueness of individuals and encourage them to become their true self, reaching their full potential, learning to live a life without limitation.

Life Coaching benefits include:

Personal Development and Motivation

Stress Management and Reduction

Relaxation and Rejuvenation

Maximise the Positive and Minimise the Negative in your life

Goal Setting and Achievement

Improved communication skills

Inner peace and contentment

These life skills are relevant to people of all ages and stages of life.

Courses are aimed at assisting:

  • Adolescents and Students who are making decisions about their career and life paths and changing from youth to adulthood.
  • Jobseekers seeking employment or making career changes.
  • Individuals who are feeling stuck in a rut and are looking to improve or change their life path. Improving their quality of life.
  • More mature clients who may have recently retired from a busy life and are looking for purpose and direction in their new life of unlimited opportunity.
  • Social outlet for people who are at home all day and would like to get out and meet others.

Coaching options:

One to One sessions:

These sessions are aimed at working with you personally as an individual. Using a technique called “Mind Mapping” we will gain an understanding of the true you, acknowledging all your natural gifts and talents. We look at your past, present and the future that you would like to have. Identifying your strengths I help you set realistic, attainable goals which when achieved give you the confidence to forge ahead to fulfil your highest potential. All the answers you seek are within yourself it is only a case of tapping in to them.

Usually these One to One sessions are one hour in duration and held one evening a week for 4 weeks. They cost €50 per evening.

Group workshops:

These workshops are for a group to come together and share their experience and challenges. I facilitate the group to explore where they all are in life and where they would like to get to. We mix dealing with serious issues and how to over come self limiting habits with lots of fun, relaxation and meditation. A lovely bond forms between the participants and it becomes a nice social network to grow and develop to your full potential.

Group workshops are 90 minutes per week in duration and run over 6 weeks one evening a week. The 6 week course costs €95 payable on commencement of course.

Check out Events page for upcoming workshops or if you have a group of friends who would like a course of your own give me a call to arrange something to suit.

One day Seminars:

One day seminars are an intensive yet relaxing and empowering way to experience Life Coaching. Treat yourself to the gift of Time Out, to reconnect with your inner self. Learn techniques to manage and reduce stress bringing relaxation and peace to your everyday life. These methods when practiced will utterly transform your life and give you the control and power to live the life you long for.

One Day Life Coaching Seminars are held anywhere there is sufficient demand. Duration 10am to 4.30pm and cost €80 per person.

For further information or to book a Life Coaching course of your choice contact Susan.

Builders of Eternity

Isn’t is strange that princes and kings

And clowns that caper in sawdust rings,

And ordinary folk like you and me

Are builders of eternity.

To each is given a bag of tools,

An hour-glass and a book of rules;

And each must build, ere time is flown,

A stumbling block or a stepping stone.
