Melchizedek Labyrinth Healing

What is Melchizedek Labyrinth Healing?

Melchizedek Labyrinth Healing is a form of energy healing based on the Melchizedek Labyrinth. It is a rebalancing and empowering energy healing that helps support you in your life’s work.

There are two parts to Melchizedek Labyrinth Healing.

It consists of firstly using the Melchizedek labyrinth to check and rebalance the energy centres and bodies of the client. It then involves the accumulating and directing of the Melchizedek healing energy into the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies in a specific order. The effect is to ground the client, and then raise the vibration of their energy bodies to assist in any healing required. The healing is mainly hands off, although the therapist may lay their hands on the solar plexus and on the feet of the client during the treatment.

The benefits of Melchizedek Labyrinth Healing include:

• Feel calmer and more relaxed

• Reduced stress levels

• Rebalanced chakras and energy field

• Raises your vibration

• Better quality of life

• A shift in consciousness

The Labyrinth

The labyrinth is an ancient symbol over 5,000 years old. Ancient labyrinths have been found on rock carvings in Spain, Italy, and India. These ancient labyrinths, also known as Classical, or Cretan, labyrinths are almost circular in shape with one path from the outside to the centre. The labyrinth has seven circuits and a centre. Each part of the labyrinth has a meaning and significance for the person working with it. Parts of the labyrinth relate to your energy centres (chakras), your energy body and your journey in life.

The labyrinth is a gift to humanity to assist and support it on its journey of growth and fulfilment. The labyrinth is a field of high vibrational energy, a field of consciousness, and a field of oneness that resonates throughout all of existence.

This picture was taken by me after walking the Labyrinth and connecting with Melchizedek’s Energy, it is genuine and no adjustments made to it. I was blown away when I saw the image on my camera.
