Upcoming Events 2024

Courses / Workshops

Reiki level 1 (Date to be confirmed)
(Learn to channel Reiki Healing Energy for people & animals)
1-Learn history & general understanding of Reiki Energy Healing.
2- Receive Level1 Reiki Attunement (opens you healing channels)
3- Learn self healing techniques
4- learn & practice Reiki on people on chair & plinth.
5- Receive recognised Reiki 1 Cert.
(allows you to work on family, friends, plants & animals)
6- Ongoing support offered going forward.

Rahanni Celestial Healing Course: Level 1 & Level 2.
Reiki (Tera Mai) all levels. Level 1 to Master Teacher Level

Melchizedek Labryinth Healing, Level 1

Animal Reiki Level 1

Dates TBC Contact Susan for details

Holistic Fairs:

RDS Mind Body Experience 20th, 21st & 22nd September

Tallaght Holistic Fair 20th October

Naas Holistic Fair 17th November

For more info on any of the above Events

Contact me:
